Along the Ridge

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Interim Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Stacy Boyd, alongside Interim President
Dr. Micheal Crafton, speak with Bonner family members during their visit to the cemetery site located on the university campus, August 2019.

An Archaeological Survey & Historical Research Project

Click this link to learn more about UWG’s archaeological survey and history project titled, Along the Ridge: Reflections on a 19th Cemetery on the University of West Georgia Campus and how the Center for Public History is participating in and contributing to cross-divisional, interdisciplinary, and multi-disciplinary work to tell the stories of the plantation’s enslaved community, their descendants, and the history of campus lands.

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Keri Adams shares project research at the annual Bonner Family Reunion in
Carrollton, Georgia, 2019.

Project Updates

Connect with Us

Fill out this form to share any stories or information about the Thomas Bonner plantation and other Bonner family plantations, the Sharpe family farm, the cemetery on the UWG campus, and the family history of those enslaved on this land.

Contact the University History Project team

Contact the Center for Public History’s University History Team with questions about our contributions to this project. Email us at or call 678-839-6141.